Customer Scientific Support

If you are facing any issues with our test, please fill the form and send it back to us by e-mail at
Alvedia is committed to provide scientific support and information for all our customers. Therefore, we are working closely with our distributors and clients to offer the best support in terms of procedure guides, result’s interpretations and individualized clinical approach.

We are very proud to promote education by offering our products for teaching purposes to Universities, conferences, lab sessions and in-house training.”

Alice Rigal

CEO, Alvedia

Our team is also involved in resolving products issues that customers can encounter when using our test. (Case of auto-agglutination, low PCV, IMHA, cold agglutinins, weak lines, absence of migrations…). Our laboratory will always offer a back up test as soon as you meet any problem. We have the possibility to test blood samples with various technologies including the Flow cytometry analysis that has becoming the gold standard in the canine blood typing field.